オンラインで修士号を取得した人のブログ How I got MPH

仕事をしながら修士号を取得したことをまとめたブログです。2015年8月にUniversity of Liverpool Master of Public Health course に合格。2018年12月に卒業。

エッセイ#01:My Understanding of Public Health








My Understanding of Public Health 

My understanding about the term ‘public health’ contains three components; finding an issue to solve, making a strategy to the issue, and managing a program according to the strategy.

The first thing we have to do in the public health field is to find an issue. The reason I call ‘issue’ not ‘problem’ is that we should focus on what we do and should see through the essence of the problem. There are a lot of health problem from a local area to a global field so that we have to deal with them with a priority that is decided in each area.

Secondly, after finding the issue we have to solve, we can make a strategy. This strategy contains a vision we would achieve, a human structure to deal with, and milestones with time schedule until when we should reach.

Thirdly, we can make a program to solve the issue and execute it with monitoring the results, which is sometimes called research. In an academic way, the research process is the most important thing, and it is inevitable for doing in reality. From another point of view in a local government side, as there are many pieces of precedent research that were done in the world, it is more important to execute what is done before than to verify.

What aspects that I mentioned above attract me is that public health approach can save people or save government budget that people pay as a tax because it think and does from the view of total optimization. Some people say that the thinking of efficiency conflict with saving people because the efficiency ends up to an individual profit. I think, however, public health could be the way that coexists with efficiency and saving people.

As I had been working in a general hospital in Japan as a quality improvement staff, policy or program that is published from a government does not fit each hospital, and sometimes the higher quality hospitals provide, the more demerits they have.

In a conclusion, my understanding about public health consists of three steps; find an issue with a priority, making a strategy not for losing the purpose, and preparing a detailed program and executing. The public health process sometimes gives disadvantages to a regional area, but it is one of the best ways to coexist with efficiency and saving people in the world.




