オンラインで修士号を取得した人のブログ How I got MPH

仕事をしながら修士号を取得したことをまとめたブログです。2015年8月にUniversity of Liverpool Master of Public Health course に合格。2018年12月に卒業。

エッセイ#02: The Strategy of Addressing the Global Issue about Pneumonia












The Strategy of Addressing the Global Issue about Pneumonia

One of the biggest global health issues is pneumonia among children under five years old. The most active organization about pneumonia is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which were founded Bill & Melinda Gates. Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world who founded Microsoft, the top share computer software company. (Forbes 400, 2015) The Foundation has a goal about pneumonia “to significantly reduce childhood deaths from pneumonia.” (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2015) Their strategy is based on the Protect, Prevent, Treat framework by the GAPPD, which is Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhea integrated by WHO and UNICEF.

There are three large points of view of the foundation’s strategy: historical one, political one, and cultural one. From the historical view, the foundation describes the fact that global child deaths have reduced from 12.6 million to 6.6 million over 20 years and that pneumonia is still the main cause of death of children under five years old. This description means that they recognize the statistic number of child death and grasp the changed things better and unchanged things to address in the global long period. From the political view, they have a strategy to collect and use high-quality data on the causes of pneumonia and to build political will from the local level to the global one. I understand this strategy as following: leaderships of each government should address the global issues like pneumonia. In other words, they confirm that politics is so related to public health. Finally, from the cultural view, the foundation focuses on the areas for improving the situation, such as Nigeria, northern India, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Pakistan. Focus means that they need to prepare for each area to execute programs carefully and that they know that the effective way is to follow each cultural background.

This Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s strategy for reducing the child death from pneumonia has the social model of health. (Naidoo, 2009) In addition to the activities that I mentioned above, they research the relationship between indoor air pollution and pneumonia grows. (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2015) This means “Health is a product of social, biological and environmental factors” (Naidoo, 2009 p.8). The reason they take the social model is that social advances such as better nutrition and sanitation reduce the mortality rate. (Naidoo, 2009 p.8) The diseases that occur all over the world are no longer only biological cause, but the combinations of social, biological, economic, and environmental things.


The Reference Lists

1. Forbes 400 (2015) The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets. Forbes. Available from http://www.forbes.com/profile/bill-gates/ (Accessed November 3, 2015)

2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2015) -What We Do- PNEUMONIA STRATEGY OVERVIEW. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Available from http://www.gatesfoundation.org/What-We-Do/Global-Health/Pneumonia (Accessed November 3, 2015)

3. Naidoo, Jennie. Foundations for Health Promotion, 3rd Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013-01-30. pp.7-8




